I write this blog with my feet up on the coffee table, post a big sigh of relief. This morning, we returned from a weekend in Frisco , CO where show number two for the summer took place. There were many things that were great about this weekend. Lets take a look at the highlight reel.
The first thing I have to report is the great success of my little pieces. If you are reading along, you may remember how I said I needed to create more affordable pieces for the average bear like me. So, I worked very hard in between these shows and produced 10 5"x5" paintings. These were cute little guys that were meant to not be framed. I wrapped the fabric all around the wood so they could hang as is. I had all sorts of flowers and colors in this size. I thought this would be a trail run to see how they do, ten should be plenty. By day 2 at 10am, a lady came by to buy my last four. Whoa! They went like candy! I was so pleasently surprised that people liked them. Now, I am on "backorder" making these pieces for people who missed out on the show. What a treat!
The type of show this weekend was the exact kind that I needed to be a part of. All the artists were high quality fine art creators. There was a gorgeous bronze sculptor next to me, along with some beautiful painters, photographers and potters. The traffic was very good and consistant and the people there were looking to buy art.
I feel like I am still stretching and growing a ton in all of this show biz. There is so much to learn. Like last show here are a few things I learned ( and am still trying to figure out)
1) Always check that you imprinted all numbers on the credit card slip- Oops.
2) To label, or not to label. That is the question. - At first I had all of my titles and prices hanging next to each piece. After observing the show, my husband noticed that no other artist was displaying the prices. I thought there may be something behind that, so we took them down. This created a lot more interaction with the viewers. I also got to see who was really interested and feel people out. The bad part about this is, I think people thought I was trying to be shadey and switch up the pricing per the person. I got a few negative remarks. I don't know the right way. All you reading this blog, I need your imput please!
3) No overhead is good! We stayed at a friends house and packed in lunches. This makes the profit greater. Duh!
Well, I have got to get to painting. I am going to fill a whole panal with those small suckers. I can't wait :) I will keep you posted on my progress
Until then,
Big Hug